Senate Dems working on Medicaid compromise

The creation of a federal Medicaid expansion program is likely not going to be in the Democrats' sweeping social safety net package. Instead, lawmakers are discussing a plan to subsidize private insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges for those who are in the coverage gap, Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin told CNN.

The Affordable Care Act Resurrected

This Viewpoint examines the coverage gap in health insurance in the US and its potential redress by enhancing federal outreach to the uninsured, rendering permanent the health insurance benefits of the American Rescue Plan Act, and establishing a federal health insurance program for low-income adults in states that did not expand their Medicaid programs.

John Roberts is no longer the leader of his own court. Who, then, controls it?

Chief justice no longer sits in supreme court’s ideological center and has lost the power to cast the deciding vote in any ruling

When Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the decisive vote in 2012 that upheld Barack Obama’s signature achievement in office, the Affordable Care Act, he reportedly did so following after a month-long campaign by fellow conservatives to try to get him to join their side.

His decision to side with liberal colleagues inspired ire on the right but it ...