California Supreme Court rules Uber, Lyft drivers classified as contractors

The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Uber and Lyft drivers are classified as independent contractors instead of employees.

The court ruled in favor of upholding a years-old ballot measure, Proposition 22, ending the legal dispute that could have reshaped California’s gig economy if it was overturned, The New York Times noted in its reporting.

The measure was first passed in 2020, and ride-hailing companies were eager to take the win nationwide. L...

West Virginia asks Supreme Court to allow Medicaid to deny coverage for gender-affirming surgery

West Virginia will take its fight over whether its Medicaid program must cover gender-affirming surgeries to the Supreme Court, the state’s Republican attorney general announced Thursday. 

“Once again, the state of West Virginia is going to the U.S. Supreme Court,” Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said at a news conference in Bridgeport, W.Va. 

The announcement is the latest development in a legal battle that's been ongoing since 2020, when three...

Strict Iowa abortion law set to take effect

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McCormick highlights Harris 2019 campaign positions in attack on Casey

Pennsylvania senate candidate Dave McCormick (R) released an advertisement criticizing Vice President Harris using footage from her 2019 presidential campaign after his opponent, Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), endorsed her run for office.

“Bob Casey just endorsed the most liberal nominee in U.S. history,” McCormick posted with the video on social media platform X.

The video opens with Casey saying Harris is “inspiring and very capable.” The senator says Americans will be “p...

Sanders, holding back endorsement, seeks influence with Harris

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has held off from officially endorsing Vice President Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, and he is seeking to help shape the focus of her campaign and her agenda if she is elected.

Sources close to Sanders say he has no intention of challenging Harris, who is on a glidepath to winning the nomination after President Biden’s decision to not seek reelection.

Harris has seen no significant opponent line up to challenge her, and a b...

Harris poised to make abortion rights a centerpiece of campaign 

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Harris takes on Trump in first campaign rally: ‘We’re not going back’

Vice President Harris on Tuesday held her first campaign event as the lead contender for the top of Democratic presidential ticket, rallying supporters in key state Wisconsin around beating former President Trump in November.

She was met with a loud and excited crowd in the Milwaukee area, with bystanders outside the venue where she spoke holding up signs that said “We love u Kamala.” Another sign said “Kamala Harris changes lives. Watch her change the world.”


With Biden out, Trump is still the favorite

It’s official. After mounting calls from the Democratic establishment, President Joe Biden has exited the 2024 race. The American public had long called for it. For at least the last two years, even a majority of Democrats have wanted the president to step aside.

Biden leaving the race is not just significant but historic. No president has willingly exited this close to an election. It’s humiliating to be the first. But many progressives, some of whom formerly supported Biden,...

Young Democrats embrace Harris, but need convincing on Gaza

Young liberals are bursting with enthusiasm for Vice President Harris’s new White House campaign, pointing to a strong contrast between her and former President Trump, but some are concerned she is overlooking major concerns for students.  

Harris can piggyback off the accomplishments of the Biden administration on numerous issues college students care about, such as student loans, but, after weeks of protests over the Israel-Gaza war on campuses this year, others are wor...

Where Kamala Harris stands on health care issues

Vice President Kamala Harris, who said she will seek the Democratic nomination after President Biden decided not to continue his reelection campaign, has previously staked out health positions to the left of President Biden. 

But there isn’t expected to be much daylight between her policy priorities and President Biden’s.

Harris will be able to claim ownership of Biden’s health wins—like a $35 insulin cap, Medicare drug price negotiations and an out-of-pocket c...