IRS makes free online filing program permanent

The free online tax filing program piloted this year by the IRS will be made permanent and its scope will be expanded, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced Thursday.

Known as “Direct File,” the online platform will be integrated with state tax systems and expanded beyond the limited number of deductions that it can currently process, Yellen and IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel told reporters.

“We’re making Direct File — the new product we piloted this year...

Mike Johnson plans Republican mega-bill ready to push through if Trump wins

House speaker plans far-reaching bill including tax cuts and border security to make Trump ‘the most consequential president’

Mike Johnson, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, is planning a sweeping ideological legislative drive that aims to make Donald Trump “the most consequential president of the modern era” if the Republicans win power in November.

A far-reaching bill containing a range of policy priorities at once – including tax cuts worth trillions, border security and rolling back Obamacare – is being prepared to avoid the mistakes the GOP believed happened early in Trump’s first term, when Johnson says the party wasted time because its victory over Hillary Clinton took it by surprise.

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Evening Report — Biden courts Black voters as Trump gains

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Biden draws contrast with ‘pandering’ Trump in appeal to Black voters

President Biden on Wednesday sought to woo Black voters in Philadelphia, laying out a contrast between his first term and that of former President Trump, as he looks to solidify support with a key voting bloc that could determine the outcome of November’s election.

Biden and Vice President Harris addressed supporters at Girard College for the launch of Black Voters for Biden-Harris, an effort intended to mobilize support in the Black community. Biden credited Black vo...

What’s the matter with libertarianism?

When I first came to Washington to work for the Heritage Foundation, there were a few think tanks that made the nerd in me stand a little bit in awe. First, of course, was Heritage, but the second was the Cato Institute.

Heritage was conservative and Cato libertarian, but both seem roughly on the same side. They differed as to how far things should go, but they were both always in opposition to the left. Conservatives wanted constitutionally limited government; liber...

Republicans prepare to fast-track tax cuts in reconciliation

Republicans are getting ready to fast-track the extension of the Trump tax cuts through the reconciliation process if they win big in November.

Nearly seven years after the GOP used budget reconciliation to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the party is gearing up to use the same maneuver to renew key provisions set to expire in 2026.

While most legislation needs the support of 60 senators to avert a filibuster, budget reconciliation allows lawmakers t...

Biden campaign should focus on Trump as threat to ‘middle-class life’: Begala

Democratic strategist Paul Begala said on Tuesday that President Biden’s campaign should capitalize on people’s fear and present former President Trump as a threat to their way of life.

“There‘s only two ways to run for office: unopposed and scared. And I think the Biden people ought to be scared,” Begala said on CNN, where he serves as a political commentator.

“I think he‘s done a great job, but this fixation on getting credit for his accomplishments, I think it goe...

Trump pushes anti-immigrant rhetoric as he tries to woo Black and Hispanic voters in Bronx campaign rally – live

Chants of ‘build the wall’ heard as thousands attend Trump rally; ex-president responds to Haley endorsement, saying ‘she’s going to be on our team’

Speaking to Fox News during yesterday’s south Bronx rally, Donald Trump remained confident that he can win his home state, which happens to also be a historically and fiercely Democratic one.

“I love the people … They’re entrepreneurial and they’re going to save New York … We’re gonna win New York. And if we win New York, the election’s over. We take over the country,.

In the month leading up to that first debate, the Biden-Harris campaign will zero in on Trump’s dangerous campaign promises and unhinged rhetoric. We will make sure that the voters who will decide this election are reminded of the chaos and harm Trump caused as president – and why they booted him out four years ago.

Trump and his lagging campaign will be left to explain to voters why he embraces political violence, brags about abortion bans, threatens to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Social Security and Medicare, and puts greedy corporations and himself over American workers again and again.

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People don’t feel richer because they’ve gained benefits instead of wages

Recent Gallup polls reflect a historically high 75 percent dissatisfaction with how things are going in America. Some might wonder how that jibes with continued economic growth and higher consumption across all income classes. 

Meanwhile, at least since the publication of “What’s The Matter With Kansas,” Democratic pundits have complained that the public is unappreciative of all the economic good that the party has done for them. For their pa...

DNC launching ‘Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes’ project

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a project to attack the list of top Republicans being considered as possible candidates for former President Trump’s running mate. 

The committee said in a release on Wednesday that “Trump’s MAGA Veepstakes” is designed to hold the potential choices “accountable as they sign onto Trump’s dangerous, out-of-touch MAGA agenda as part of their desperate race to the bottom.” Axios was the first to report the project.