Abortion, drug prices at play for Trump-Biden debate

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Mike Johnson plans Republican mega-bill ready to push through if Trump wins

House speaker plans far-reaching bill including tax cuts and border security to make Trump ‘the most consequential president’

Mike Johnson, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, is planning a sweeping ideological legislative drive that aims to make Donald Trump “the most consequential president of the modern era” if the Republicans win power in November.

A far-reaching bill containing a range of policy priorities at once – including tax cuts worth trillions, border security and rolling back Obamacare – is being prepared to avoid the mistakes the GOP believed happened early in Trump’s first term, when Johnson says the party wasted time because its victory over Hillary Clinton took it by surprise.

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What’s the matter with libertarianism?

When I first came to Washington to work for the Heritage Foundation, there were a few think tanks that made the nerd in me stand a little bit in awe. First, of course, was Heritage, but the second was the Cato Institute.

Heritage was conservative and Cato libertarian, but both seem roughly on the same side. They differed as to how far things should go, but they were both always in opposition to the left. Conservatives wanted constitutionally limited government; liber...

Trump pushes anti-immigrant rhetoric as he tries to woo Black and Hispanic voters in Bronx campaign rally – live

Chants of ‘build the wall’ heard as thousands attend Trump rally; ex-president responds to Haley endorsement, saying ‘she’s going to be on our team’

Speaking to Fox News during yesterday’s south Bronx rally, Donald Trump remained confident that he can win his home state, which happens to also be a historically and fiercely Democratic one.

“I love the people … They’re entrepreneurial and they’re going to save New York … We’re gonna win New York. And if we win New York, the election’s over. We take over the country,.

In the month leading up to that first debate, the Biden-Harris campaign will zero in on Trump’s dangerous campaign promises and unhinged rhetoric. We will make sure that the voters who will decide this election are reminded of the chaos and harm Trump caused as president – and why they booted him out four years ago.

Trump and his lagging campaign will be left to explain to voters why he embraces political violence, brags about abortion bans, threatens to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Social Security and Medicare, and puts greedy corporations and himself over American workers again and again.

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Trump waffles on possible birth control ban 

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After Trump’s destruction, how much of the GOP will there be left to save?

There is a silver lining to Donald Trump bulldozing a major political party — Americans get a chance to see inside the wreckage of the old GOP.

Evangelicals claiming to uphold family values were long ago exposed as their principles fell away to allow them to justify support for a candidate known to talk of grabbing women and consorting with pornographic actresses.

But now Trump’s demolition of the GOP is nearly complete with news that he has put an end ...

‘Donald Trump is a symptom, not the cause’: Tim Kaine’s journey to healing

Hillary Clinton’s running mate experienced defeat by Trump. His new book documents his attempt to understand America

Jack Kemp. Joe Lieberman. John Edwards. Sarah Palin. Paul Ryan. All ran for vice-president of the United States and fell short. All had to confront the question: what next? The same fate befell Tim Kaine, whose turn as running mate to Hillary Clinton in 2016 ended in a catastrophic defeat by Donald Trump and Mike Pence. The US has not recovered, as polarisation, rancou...

Trump’s abortion stance draws bipartisan ire

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Trump endorses Eric Hovde in Wisconsin Senate race 

Former President Trump endorsed Republican Eric Hovde on Tuesday in the Wisconsin Senate race to unseat Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.). 

"I met Eric, and I've studied Eric and I — because we have to get it right and running against some very fine people, really. But I've looked it out, and they're going to have other opportunities. Eric, I am giving you my complete and total endorsement," Trump said during a rally in Green Bay, Wis.

“So go out and win. Go out ...

Biden seeks to draw contrast with Trump on health care in North Carolina

President Biden and Vice President Harris traveled Tuesday to North Carolina to tout the recent anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and bash Republicans' health care agenda.

Biden delivered remarks in Raleigh, the capital of a state his campaign has cited as a potential flip opportunity in November after he lost it to former President Trump by roughly 75,000 votes in 2020.

The visit was timed around the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act being si...