Biden’s budget directs billions to health programs

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White House budget leans into drug pricing, ObamaCare expansion

President Biden's budget proposal focuses heavily on expanding access to health care and lowering the cost of prescription drugs.

In an effort to extend the life of Medicare's hospital trust fund, the budget proposal would increase the number of drugs that can be negotiated, and allow those negotiations to begin sooner. 

The plan builds off the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which granted Medicare the power to negotiate the prices of up to 20 drugs each year — though...

Biden’s budget proposes tax hikes on wealthy to reduce deficit, shore up Medicare


Biden’s budget proposes tax hikes on wealthy to reduce deficit, shore up Medicare


Social Security, Medicare clash comes down to what constitutes a ‘cut’

The coming battles over the nation’s safety-net programs are beginning with an early clash over a thorny question of semantics: What constitutes a cut?

In the eyes of many Democrats, any change to Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security that erodes benefits provided under current law would be considered a cut — and therefore stands as a nonstarter with liberals as Congress seeks ways to rein in deficit spending. 

Across the aisle, Republicans have long promoted a ...

CBO warns of sharp uptick in Social Security, Medicare spending

Federal spending on Social Security and Medicare is projected to rise dramatically over the next decade, far outpacing revenues and the economy on the whole while putting new pressure on Congress to address accelerated threats of insolvency, according to new estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). 

The increase is driven by a variety of factors, including Social Security’s new cost-of-living adjustment, the rising cost of medical services under Medicare and great...

Distrust over GOP plans for Social Security, Medicare mark rocky start to budget talks

Republican leaders vowing to protect Social Security and Medicare benefits as part of the coming budget battles are running into a wall of skepticism across the aisle, lending a rocky start to the high-stakes debate over the future of federal spending.

Despite Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) promise that entitlement cuts are “off the table” in the debt-ceiling talks, House Democrats simply don’t believe that the same Republican Party that’s fought for decades to slash thos...