After trying to kill health insurance for millions, Paul Ryan now profits from medical tech

As Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI) was best known for his repeated attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) and take away health insurance coverage from tens of millions of Americans. Now a private citizen, Ryan is about to profit from his own legislative failures.

According to his hometown paper, Ryan has joined the board of directors at SHINE Medical Technologies. The Janesville-based company makes molybdenum-99, a radioactive isotope used to...

Retiring Congressman Duffy to rely on pre-existing condition protections he voted to repeal

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) announced on Monday that he will soon resign his House seat, citing family reasons. He and his wife, Fox News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy, said their soon-to-be born ninth child will require heart surgery soon after her birth.

On Tuesday, Duffy explained that he had made sure the child will have access to health insurance despite her pre-existing conditions.

It is laudable that the Duffy family is preparing to provide as much care as possible for a ...

Lindsey Graham vows to repeal Obamacare if GOP takes control in 2020

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) admitted to a local radio station this week that if Republicans regain control of Congress in the 2020 elections, they will do what they failed to during the first two years of the Trump administration: repeal Obamacare.

In a Monday radio interview first flagged by the progressive blog Joe. My. God., Graham explained that the next election would be about health care repeal.

“This is what 2020 is about. If we can get the House back and keep our major...

Senator John Cornyn thinks you are stupider than a slab of meat

Imagine the utter contempt that Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) must hold for the American people.

“Again and again, Democrats have refused to join Republicans in guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions,” Cornyn tweeted Monday morning. The tweet was in response to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stating it had been two years since Senate Democrats blocked President Donald Trump from repealing critical health care rules.

Again and again, Democrats ...

Biden’s health care plan reveals the divide among Democrats

Presidential candidate Joe Biden released his health care plan on Monday, formally entering the Democratic debate about how to solve the country’s health care crisis, in which 26% of Americans struggle to afford services even with insurance and out-of-pocket medical costs outpace wage growth.

The Biden plan, expands upon the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by adding a government-run public option to compete alongside private insurers and making existing subsidies for private plans m...

A Republican federal appeals court appears determined to strike down Obamacare

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — A panel of two Republicans and one Democrat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit heard oral arguments on Tuesday in a case asking them to repeal the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. The Democrat did not speak, although she remains overwhelmingly likely to reject this attack on Obamacare.

The Republicans, by contrast, came to court today wearing their partisan hats. When Samuel Siegel, the first of two lawyers defending the la...

Obamacare faces a death panel on Tuesday

A conservative panel of an especially conservative federal appeals court will hear a case on Tuesday brought by Republican officials who seek to repeal the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. The case is Texas v. United States.

Last year, a Republican judge with a long history of striking down Democratic policies on spurious legal reasoning handed down an order saying that Obamacare must cease to exist. If this decision is ultimately affirmed by higher courts, an estimated...

Millions to lose benefits under Trump’s proposal to change how poverty is defined, new study shows

A new study released Tuesday shows just how insidious the Trump administration’s proposal to change the way the federal government measures poverty actually is. In short: millions could lose health and food benefits.

By way of background, in May, Trump’s budget agency sought public comment on updating the inflation rate used by the Census Bureau to determine the poverty line and estimate who’s poor. This technical change matters a lot because the federal poverty li...

Trump says he’ll announce a ‘phenomenal’ new health care plan soon. Where was it the last 2 years?

President Donald Trump says he’ll unveil a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in two months time. But he’s failed to produce a viable plan for the last two years, and it’s unlikely a few more weeks will change anything.

“If we win back the House, we’re going to produce phenomenal health care,” Trump said in an interview with ABC News that aired Sunday night. “And we already have the concept of the plan, but it’ll ...