Where Kamala Harris stands on health care issues

Vice President Kamala Harris, who said she will seek the Democratic nomination after President Biden decided not to continue his reelection campaign, has previously staked out health positions to the left of President Biden. 

But there isn’t expected to be much daylight between her policy priorities and President Biden’s.

Harris will be able to claim ownership of Biden’s health wins—like a $35 insulin cap, Medicare drug price negotiations and an out-of-pocket c...

JD Vance’s views on health care: What to know

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who was tapped as former President Trump's running mate Monday, has been in the Senate for less than two years but has staked out health care positions that both buck his party and toe the GOP line.

Vance is a Yale-educated venture capitalist, but rode the wave of Trump-era populism to a Senate seat. Like most Republicans, he is strongly anti-abortion, opposes gender-affirming care and wants to exclude "Dreamer" immigrants from federal health programs. ...

Health Care — Keeping ACA tax credits would be pricey

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ObamaCare preventive care mandate to stay in place after court ruling

A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a Christian-owned business can't be compelled to cover preventive medications as is required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but it determined a Texas judge carried out an "abuse of discretion" in his prior ruling by blocking federal agencies from enforcing the rule universally.

In a decision it characterized as a "mixed bag," the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court's ruling that the secretary of the ...

Biden administration finalizes action on ‘junk plans’

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Biden rolls back Trump expansion of short-term ‘junk’ insurance plans

The Biden administration is cracking down on insubstantial health insurance plans that don't have to meet ObamaCare’s consumer protection requirements. 

A final rule issued Thursday would roll back a Trump-era policy that drastically expanded what Biden officials and critics call “junk” plans. 

The final rule limits the duration of the insurance plans to three months, with the option of a one-month extension. Plans will also be required to provide consumers...

Biden, Democratic lawmakers celebrate 14th anniversary of Affordable Care Act

President Biden and many other Democratic lawmakers posted online in celebration of the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Saturday.

“14 years later, the Affordable Care Act is still a very big deal. Today, more Americans have health insurance than under any other President,” Biden posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “I’m committed to building on the progress we’ve made by making lower premiums permanent for millions of families.”


Biden campaign uses ObamaCare anniversary to hammer Trump on health care

President Biden is using the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) passage to hammer former President Trump’s record on health care and capitalize on his threats to repeal the law. 

In a new digital ad released Friday ahead of the 14th anniversary of the law, the Biden campaign sought to highlight Trump’s repeated repeal threats and underscore the consequences if he were to win a second term. 

The video, titled “Flatline,” features audio of Tr...

Biden campaign enlists Obama, Pelosi for ACA-focused virtual reelection rally

President Biden’s reelection campaign is enlisting former President Obama and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to help boost his health care record with voters ahead of November.  

To mark the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) becoming law, Obama and Pelosi will join Biden during a virtual event on Saturday to mobilize supporters and volunteers, the campaign announced Wednesday.  

Saturday’s virtual rally will mark the start of events throughout...

Senate GOP won’t ‘walk the plank’ for Trump on ACA repeal

Senate Republicans are burying former President Trump's call to take another shot at repealing the Affordable Care Act if Republicans regain control of the White House and Senate next year.

Democrats, who are getting pummeled over border security, are looking to elevate the issue of health care in 2024 election and Trump is giving them plenty of ammunition, with the likely GOP presidential nominee and congressional Republicans on different pages on a big issue.
