Transgender women celebrate monumental health care court victory

It was the first case outcome of its kind: a total of $780,000 in damages for two transgender women who were denied medically necessary health care because of their gender identity. It was also likely the first time a court found that facial feminization surgery was medically necessary.

The women now hope that if eight jurors in Wisconsin could be convinced that transgender people deserve access to health care related to their identities, others might be inspired to fight for what t...

Media outlets use racist terms to describe Trump’s plan to end birthright citizenship

President Trump told Axios in an interview this week that he is planning to end birthright citizenship, a right granted to children of undocumented immigrants born in the United States.

Axios on Tuesday morning released a small portion of the interview, set to air in full on HBO Sunday, using racist terminology to describe the decision.

“This would be the most dramatic move yet in Trump’s hardline immigration campaign, this time targeting ‘anchor babies̵...