Idaho is one of three conservative states where voters will decide in November whether to buck the GOP's resistance to the Affordable Care Act and implement its Medicaid expansion for adults.
(Image credit: Phil Galewitz/Kaiser Health News)
Month: October 2018
Are Republicans seeking to ‘get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security’?
In a campaign ad, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) claims that Republicans are determined to eliminate three of the most popular government programs. That's false.
Trump makes it easier for employers to pay workers for health coverage
The Trump administration is expanding employers' ability to give workers cash to buy heath care coverage elsewhere, including on the Obamacare exchanges, senior officials announced Monday.![]()
Trump administration gives states new power to weaken Obamacare
The Trump administration is throwing open the door to states to make major changes to their Obamacare markets.![]()
It’s not an exaggeration to say the Trump administration wants to erase transgender people
A Sunday New York Times article revealed that the Trump administration is planning to impose a rule that would effectively erase the existence of transgender people under the law. Though the Times did not share the full memo draft it had reviewed, it detailed the memo’s plan to define sex across agencies as “either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with” — subject to genetic testing.
It’s the equivalent of impo...
Medicaid ‘absolutely’ saved her life, says patient now fighting to expand it
A government study says almost two-thirds of low-income adults in states that did not expand Medicaid had "unmet medical needs."
Sen. Wyden: GOP wants health care for the ‘healthy and wealthy’
Despite running in 2014 on the platform of repealing and replacing Obamacare, Republicans are now promising to protect one of its most popular provisions: guaranteeing coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.
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Republicans in flood of ads are health-care defenders despite work to end Obamacare
Many who supported the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act downplay estimates of higher costs.
Midterm elections place healthcare in the spotlight
The fight over healthcare, particularly the Affordable Care Act, is playing a major role in the US midterm elections as voters worry about spiralling costs and coverage of pre-existing conditions.
The opioid epidemic is tearing communities apart. Here’s how one city came together to fight it
Emma is rocking her baby, speaking to her softly in the neonatal intensive care unit of Winchester Medical Center in the city of Winchester, Virginia. The blinds are drawn and the room is quiet. A cheerful poster on the wall says that Emma’s daughter, Story, was born six day...