ACA open enrollment for 2024 wraps up

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Biden, Obama team up for ObamaCare promotion after Trump threats

President Biden and former President Obama teamed up for a video promoting the Affordable Care Act released Friday, the final day of open enrollment and as the signature law has faced renewed threats from former President Trump in his own campaign for the White House.

Obama filmed the roughly 30-second video alongside Biden during a recent undisclosed trip to the White House. Biden opens the video by reading a text message asking if ObamaCare is "still a thing."


The House just passed a long-needed health care price transparency measure

When I was pregnant with my second child, in the years following the passage of the Affordable Care Act, I went to the doctor for routine prenatal testing. Despite promises to the contrary, I had lost several health insurance plans during those years, and at least one while pregnant. At the doctor that day, my new deductible was so high that I paid full freight up-front for all my care.

The practice offered me two tests — one a new-fangled version of the old test. Wh...

Fix needed now: America’s long-term care financing system is broken

Nonprofit providers of aging services have been warning for decades that America’s system for financing long-term care is dangerously broken. The dedicated professionals serving older adults in nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice programs, and senior living communities have toiled side-by-side with families across the country to cobble together care and services for parents, friends, and neighbors—connecting the tattered pieces of our patchwork long-term care system in an effor...

On ObamaCare, Trump just dropped the ball

One of the biggest unforced errors in pro sports history occurred in 1986, when Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner let a grounder roll between his legs. This 10th inning misstep allowed the Mets to survive and force game seven of that year's World Series. They won, and the Red Sox, who had been just one strike away from a World Series victory, had to wait another 18 years. 

Former President Trump is having a Bill Buckner moment in his presidential campaign.

Beyond forgiveness: Tackle the root causes of debt in higher education and health care

Higher education institutions and hospital systems are similar in many ways. Both provide people with vital services. Both anchor local economies and communities. And unfortunately, both too often leave people in debt. 

While the politics of debt forgiveness differs markedly between higher education and health care, both sectors urgently need pragmatic approaches to addressing the high prices that lead to widespread indebtedness.

Approximately 45 million Am...

Retribution, isolation and deportation: What to expect from a second Trump term

Less than two months out from the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, former President Donald Trump seems well on his way to securing a third consecutive Republican nomination for president. 

And, with public polling increasingly showing Trump leading President Biden — including by 6 points (53 percent to 47 percent) per a recent Messenger/Harris X poll — the question of what a second Trump term would look like must be seriously considered, especially in light of recent comment...