The Affordable Care Act touches the lives of most Americans. Some 21 million could lose health insurance if the Trump administration were to succeed in having the law ruled unconstitutional.
Remember when Republicans vowed to be the party to protect pre-existing condition coverage?
After the president and Republicans repeatedly promised to protect people with pre-existing conditions, the Trump administration on Monday evening said it supports a federal judge’s ruling that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional, adding that it will seek to repeal the sweeping health care law in its entirety.
The Justice Department filed a brief letter in the conservative U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit telling the court that it agrees with Judge Reed O’C...
Trump Officials Broaden Attack on Health Law, Arguing Courts Should Reject All of It
The administration had previously said only that the Affordable Care Act’s pre-existing conditions provisions should be struck down, leaving parts like Medicaid expansion intact.
States legislatures shore up Obamacare with 2020 prospects uncertain
While the Democratic Party determines where it wants to go next on health care — whether it’s Medicare for All, Medicare for America, or any one of the other 2020 health proposals — state lawmakers are shoring up the party’s signature policy, the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
So far in 2019, state legislatures in Colorado, Maine, Maryland, and New Mexico are moving bills to bolster the 2010 health law, like securing consumer protections for people with pre-exist...
Low-income New Hampshire residents sue Trump administration over Medicaid work requirements
Low-income residents in New Hampshire are suing the Trump administration for approving the state’s Medicaid work requirement, a group of health advocacy organizations announced Wednesday.
This is the third legal challenge against the administration’s most consequential health policy. The administration has already allowed eight states to condition Medicaid eligibility on reported work.
The administration first approved New Hampshire’s work requirement in Nov...
Trump administration defended Medicaid work requirements in court and it didn’t go well
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Trump administration had a hard time defending one of its most consequential health policies in federal court on Thursday.
The administration faced a lot of difficult questions from District Judge Jeb Boasberg, an Obama appointee, about why the court shouldn’t strike down Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas and Kentucky, as it has in the past. Boasberg listened to two separate but related lawsuits, challenging the legality of the states’ w...
Congress Warns Against Medicaid Cuts: ‘You Just Wait for the Firestorm’
The secretary of health and human services endured hours of bipartisan grilling over the president’s budget for 2020, including cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and health research.
Congress Warns Against Medicaid Cuts: ‘You Just Wait for the Firestorm’
The secretary of health and human services endured hours of bipartisan grilling over the president’s budget for 2020, including cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and health research.
Trump Lauded Farmers, Medicare and AIDS Programs. Then Came His Budget Knife.
Several cuts proposed by the president in his budget seemed to contrast with his own words of support.
Idaho Republicans seek to limit Medicaid expansion against the will of voters
Idaho Republicans are looking into several proposals aimed at hobbling a successful ballot initiative to expand Medicaid in the state, joining a growing list of red states trying to limit health care coverage against the will of voters.
Republican lawmakers have considered plans to apply work requirements, co-pays, and lifetime limits. They also plan to ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to grant the waivers before the ballot initiative goes into effect on Jan....