The administration now says failure to report Covid-19 data to the Department of Health and Human Services could cost hospitals Medicare and Medicaid funding.
An inspector general’s audit said the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service used communications contractors for work that should have been performed by public servants.
As the Trump administration pushes forward on dismantling the Affordable Care Act, Democrats are pressing their advantage on an issue that is becoming a chief focus of campaign advertising.
Ms. McGrath and John Hickenlooper, two moderate Democrats, prevailed in their Senate primaries on Tuesday. In Oklahoma, voters approved a Medicaid expansion.
If successful, the move would permanently end the health insurance program popularly known as Obamacare and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans.
Republicans and the Trump administration continue to press to end the Affordable Care Act even as the virus leaves more Americans worried about affordable health coverage.
The justices considered whether the Trump administration may allow employers to refuse to provide free insurance coverage for birth control on religious or moral grounds.