Goodbye to all these Trump allies in the House

More than a few of the more moderate members of the Republican House caucus lost their seats in Tuesday’s elections. The narrative according to some is that these moderate losses make the House of Representatives more tied to Trump than ever. And President Trump seemed to further that himself during a press conference on Wednesday, when he blamed the losses in the House on Republicans who distanced themselves from him.

But that’s not the whole story. The 116th Congress w...

These Democrats just flipped key governor seats

Democrats flipped at least seven gubernatorial seats Tuesday, a significant achievement that could help undo years of harmful Republican policy — particularly when it comes to the gerrymandering efforts that help keep GOP politicians in control.

Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico, Maine, Wisconsin, and Nevada will have Democratic governors come January 2019. When redistricting begins in 2021, Democratic governors can play an important role in reversing Republican gerrymand...

Health concerns drive voters to back Medicaid, weed and trans rights

Voters in 37 states had more than candidates to choose Tuesday. There were more than 150 statewide measures on ballots this midterm election and several involved health-related issues ranging from the taxes on feminine hygiene products to Medicaid expansion, to abortion access, and legalizing the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana. Based on the preliminary vote results, here's what some voters went for and what they rejected.

Scott Walker, longtime foe of public school teachers, loses Wisconsin governor race to former teacher

Tony Evers (D), Wisconsin’s state superintendent of public education and a former teacher, won the governor’s race against incumbent Scott Walker (R). Walker, who has undermined teachers unions and supported the underfunding of public education in the state throughout this career as governor, recently tried to recast himself as a champion for public schools. Voters didn’t buy it.

Walker became governor in 2010, survived a recall effort, and was re-elected in 2014 w...