Phillips endorsing ‘Medicare for All’ legislation

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn.) is endorsing “Medicare for All” legislation — a move likely meant to appeal to progressives.

“As president, my first priority will be ensuring every American has access to affordable, exceptional healthcare,” Phillips said in his announcement. “I believe that Medicare for All is the best way to accomplish that priority.”

In his statement, the Minnesota lawmaker claimed medical debt accounts for 67 percent o...

3 million children lose Medicaid coverage

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Biden turns ‘Godfather’ on prescription drugs

They say that wherever government gets involved, there are unintended consequences — results that most people who had initially cheered on government action hadn’t considered. But the cynic in me believes there are few truly unintended consequences — that most proposals are not goals, but only a stop along the way toward a larger objective.

As a former health policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, and as someone whose mother’s life was extended and improved by prescriptio...

Drug companies face Medicare price negotiation deadline

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White House faces challenges getting COVID shots to the uninsured

For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government will not be able to ensure the shots for this fall's vaccination campaign will be available to the public for free.

When the public health emergency ended in May, so too did the administration's ability to purchase and distribute shots, tests and treatments for all Americans. The COVID vaccine is now commercialized, just like the flu shot and other vaccines.

Most health plans cover ro...

Poll shows 80 percent of older voters concerned prescription drug reform will hurt drug innovation

A poll commissioned by American Commitment, a conservative-leaning advocacy group, showed that 80 percent of older voters fear the prescription drug reforms included in President Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act will negatively impact drug innovation while 14 percent of those voters think it will lower their drug costs.  

The survey found that 60 percent of respondents 55 or older view health insurance-related costs as the most concerning issue related to health care a...