GRAPPLING to comprehend Donald Trump’s populist seizure of their party, some Republicans predicted it would re-emerge as a champion of working-class whites. Others expected Mr Trump to drop his proletarian shtick and help deliver the tax cuts they had always dreamed of. Republican senators’ failure to ...
United States
The ideology behind Republicans’ health-care bill
Oath keepers in the Senate
REPUBLICANS presented their efforts to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, which flopped this week, as a necessary response to a failing law. They frequently say the individual market, in which those who do not get health insurance through their employers can buy it for themselv...
On Washington: Republicans’ Push to Overturn Health Law Is Back From the Dead
The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has taken extraordinary measures to pump oxygen back into the G.O.P.’s badly fading effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
Fact Check: Trump’s Health Reform Pitch Includes Several Falsehoods
A review of President Trump’s claims that the Republican version of a replacement for the Affordable Care Act included several false claims.
How the nursing home lobby blocked reforms in Louisiana
FOR A textbook demonstration of how campaign contributions can buy policy, one need look no further than Louisiana’s nursing homes. No interest group showers more money on the Bayou State’s politicians than nursing homes and their owners. Indeed, the last two governors together collected over $1m in donations from nursing ho...
Trumpcare, version three
IS THE Senate’s revised health-care proposal a good bill? And will it pass? Ideally these two questions would be related. But this is sausage-making, so they are not. Let’s take the first one first.
If you want something approaching universal health-care coverage, there are three ways to do it. One is for the governmen...
The Republicans’ chances of replacing Obamacare are receding
Susan Collins in the spotlight
NO REPUBLICAN senator looms larger in the schemes of left-wing protesters than Susan Collins of Maine. One of the last New England moderates, a once-common Republican species, Ms Collins is considered the likeliest holdout against the draft Republican health-care reform th...