These Democratic candidates for governor could make single-payer health care a reality

Medicare for All is a caucus in Congress, a mantra among 2020 presidential candidates, and a platform in a lot of gubernatorial races.

New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is the latest Democrat to fully endorse Medicare for All — meaning, she’s interested in turning today’s insurance patchwork into a single government-run health care system, or a single-payer system. Gubernatorial candidates from a dozen states are running on the policy, contrasting cong...

This ‘Fox & Friends’ segment about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is beyond parody

Fox & Friends on Tuesday featured an interview with Daily Caller associate editor Virginia Kruta about her experience attending an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rally in St. Louis that could have been mistaken for satire.

Kruta told hosts that both Ocasio-Cortez and the Democratic candidate for whom she was stumping, Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), “talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent — they talk about education for your kids, healt...

This California district has been red for over 20 years. Katie Hill could change that.

SANTA CLARITA, CALIFORNIA — On a blisteringly hot Saturday morning in June, 10 days after 30-year-old Katie Hill emerged as the Democratic party’s candidate to unseat Republican Steve Knight for California’s 25th Congressional district, dozens of her supporters gathered at the campaign’s cramped headquarters in the Los Angeles suburb of Santa Clarita to prepare for a massive voter registration drive. This last remaining GOP bastion in Los Angeles County (the district also includes pa...

GOP Senate candidates no longer want to talk about killing Obamacare

Once upon a time, Republicans made Obamacare an albatross for Democrats and made their vow to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act a centerpiece of their 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 campaigns. Then they got control of the government and repeatedly failed to keep that promise — as the law’s popularity hit all-time highs.

Now, suddenly Republican lawmakers and candidates are on the defensive for their desire to strip an estimated 23 million Americans of ...

Health and Human Services Department removes website’s language on sex discrimination

The Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services changed or removed information on its website about sex discrimination, according to a new report from the Sunlight Foundation.

The Office for Civil Rights altered this information on several webpages on Section 1557, part of the Affordable Care Act that relates to sex discrimination, between March and August 2017, according to the nonprofit focused on government transparency. Now, mentions of sex discriminat...

Trump administration wants immigrants to pass a test before being admitted into the country

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is considering a plan that would drastically and unilaterally restrict legal immigration to only the wealthiest and most privileged applicants.

An archaic federal immigration provision called the “public charge” test is currently being drafted by the Trump administration. Immigrants coming to the United States would generally fail this new rewritten test if they had a medical condition and no source of subsidized health insu...

Medicare for All caucus launches with 66 members

House Democrats formally announced the formation of the Medicare for All caucus on Thursday, and were joined by representatives from various progressive groups — like National Nurses United, Social Security Works, and Center for Popular Democracy — who helped save Obamacare last summer and now demand more than the status quo. So far 66 members, or one-third of House Democrats, have joined the caucus led by Reps. Pramila Jayapal (WA), Debbie Dingell (MI), and Keith Ellison (MN)....

Interior’s Zinke faces 11th federal investigation as new probe launches

More than 10 federal investigations have now been opened into Secretary of the Interior Department Ryan Zinke’s financial and ethical decisions during his tenure with the Trump administration.

The agency’s internal watchdog announced an eleventh investigation on Wednesday evening, drawing further attention to Zinke’s behavior while running the department, and in this case, his connections to one of the world’s most powerful oil companies.

The Departmen...

Protests against Pittsburgh hospital expansion highlight city’s growing racial health disparities

More than 100 activists and employees took turns speaking at a packed Pittsburgh City Council hearing Tuesday on the proposed $2 billion expansion of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in the city’s Uptown neighborhood. They were there to demand that the health care giant agree to higher wages and unionization for workers before it moves forward with expansion.

Prior to the hearing, opponents of the plan marched to the city council building and held a rally, asking f...

Legal groups intervene in Republican’s lawsuit over counting undocumented in census

A coalition led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Democracy Forward filed a motion on Tuesday to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who decided to sue the U.S. Bureau of the Census for counting undocumented immigrants in the decennial census.

The legal groups decided to get involved because they didn’t trust the Department of Justice (DOJ) — led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, known for his hardline immigration policies ...