Senator Susan Collins all but says she’ll vote against latest Trumpcare bill

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) told CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of The Union on Sunday that “it’s very difficult” to envision a scenario where she would vote for the latest Obamacare repeal bill, dubbed “Graham-Cassidy.” She said she will definitively decide Monday, after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) releases its preliminary estimates on the bill.

But Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) — one of the bill’s drafters — said ...

Ted Cruz joins Republicans ranged against Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill

Effort to replace ACA appears doomed as Cruz indicates Lee will follow him and Collins says it is ‘very difficult’ for her to envision voting for the bill

The Trump administration’s latest efforts to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) appeared to be disintegrating over the weekend, as a growing number of Republican senators indicated they would vote against the so-called Graham-Cassidy bill.

Related: Trump attacks McCain and other Republicans over healthcare failure
