This Viewpoint discusses the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Accountable Health Communities project to test the role of community integrators—organizations within a community that can represent its needs and engage stakeholders to work toward improvements in health—as a possible mechanism to decrease life expectancy disparities across the United States.
Month: October 2017
Trump flip-flops on bipartisan health deal
Washington is trying to figure out just where President Trump stands when it comes to the Senate's bipartisan deal to fix the Affordable care act.
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Exclusive: Obamacare exchange chief speaks…
Allison O’Toole, MNsure CEO and head of the Obamacare exchange in Minnesota speaks out on Trump’s Obamacare confusion and why it could leave one million without health insurance
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‘He keeps zigging and zagging’: the perils of doing a healthcare deal with Trump
This week, senators moved to salvage the Obamacare subsidies Trump cut – but Washington remains confused over which way the president is swinging
Chuck Schumer was at the gym when his phone rang, just over a week after the latest version of the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act foundered. It was Donald Trump calling the most senior Democrat in the Senate with an idea.
Related: Senators reach bipartisan deal to salvage Obamacare subsidies Trump eliminated
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President Trump Pivots On Bipartisan Health Care Bill
President Trump said he supports a bipartisan effort that would effectively shore up the Affordable Care Act. But he's also distanced himself from it. What's behind the complicated politics at play?
The acronym at the center of Trump’s war on Obamacare, explained
On Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump, as he is wont to do, took to Twitter.
“I am supportive of Lamar as a person & also of the process, but I can never support bailing out ins co’s who have made a fortune w/ O’Care,” Trump tweeted.
I am supportive of Lamar as a person & also of the process, but I can never support bailing out ins co's who have made a fortune w/ O'Care.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) ...
Most people don’t know Obamacare open enrollment starts in 14 days, thanks in large part to Trump
Most people who are eligible for coverage offered on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace do not know when they can sign up for insurance. Open enrollment, the time period during which people can enroll in private plans offered on the marketplace, begins on November 1.
The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a leading health policy analysis center, reported its new findings on Wednesday. A majority of uninsured people did not know either when open enrollment begins (85 percent) or ...