President Trump has been all over the map when it comes to "repealing and replacing" Obamacare. But now The Washington Post is reporting that, “The Trump administration has moved away from seeking an Obamacare replacement and is instead focused on damage
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Month: September 2019
House committee to vote on impeachment procedures – live
House judiciary panel to consider procedures for future hearings in first step towards possible impeachment of Trump
The Trump administration has reportedly given up efforts to write an Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) replacement bill.
After campaigning to repeal the law for eight years, Republicans have struggled to piece together a cohesive strategy for caring for the staggering 27.5m Americans locked out of the healthcare system.
A little live fact-checking from the Guardian’s reporter Joan Greve.
It appears this is the Al Green quote (from May) that Trump is referring to, which is different in both wording and meaning than the president claims here.
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Poll: Biden proposal more popular than Medicare for All in general election
A new poll finds that more voters favor an optional government-run health insurance plan, as former Vice President Joe Biden advocates, than full-scale Medicare for All that eliminates private health insurance, as a...
For rural America, Medicare for All is a matter of life or death | Barb Kalbach
Insurance firms are gobbling up airtime in Iowa to attack Medicare for All. They claim it would hurt the very same hospitals their business model has spent years bleeding dry
Rural hospitals are often the economic heart of a community. Worse, when minutes mean the difference between life and death, every hospital that closes leaves patients in danger. Since 2010, 113 rural hospitals have closed their doors, leaving more than 30 million Americans an hour or more away from critical car...
Share of Americans With Health Insurance Declined in 2018
The drop, despite a strong economy, was the first since 2009 and at least partly caused by efforts to weaken the Affordable Care Act.
Going to the doctor can be a traumatic experience for trans patients—but one piece of paper would help change that
As a medical professional, I’ve experienced firsthand how increased advocacy and visibility of transgender people in recent years has made an impact—more trans patients are coming in for routine primary care, and doctors are helping to achieve more positive health outcomes.
Options for Reinvesting Savings from Restored Federal Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments
The authors of this report examine the impact of providing additional health insurance subsidies or financing reinsurance from the savings resulting from restored federal cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act.
The Health 202: More than half of House Democrats now support Medicare-for-all
But Nancy Pelosi is still unlikely to allow a vote.