JD Vance reads Dr. Seuss book on Senate floor for son’s birthday

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) is delivering a Dr. Seuss-inspired birthday message to his son, straight from the Senate floor.

The Ohio Republican took to the floor on Monday as the upper chamber continued its consideration of a $95.3 billion national security supplemental that would provide foreign aid for Israel and Ukraine.

After speaking at length about his criticism of further aid to Ukraine, Vance said, “Now, I want to move on to another argument. But before I do, I am...

Let’s listen to what Trump is saying about how he’d govern


McConnell pushes back on GOP critics: ‘They’ve had their shot’


CEOs face drug-price grilling on Hill

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There are better ways to address drug costs than importing socialized medicine 

Today, Johnson & Johnson, Merk and Bristol Myers Squibb are testifying in front of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Listening to what the drugmaker executives have to say about medicine prices would ordinarily be a valuable exercise. But under the proverbial interrogation lamp of HELP Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the proceedings will be more akin to the Salem witch trials. 

The committee hearing is set to focus on price disc...

Cruz says it’s time for McConnell to step down as GOP leader


Price questions linger for over-the-counter birth control pills

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