Biden to meet with Brown v. Board plaintiffs during week of engagement with Black community

President Biden this week will mark the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board Supreme Court decision as part of a broader outreach to the Black community, a White House official exclusively told The Hill.

Biden on Thursday will meet with the plaintiffs from the Brown v. Board case and their families at the White House, the official said. The unanimous 1954 ruling found that segregating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional, paving the w...

Second major hospital chain hit by cyberattack 

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GOP senators amused as Ted Cruz seeks to move bill: ‘The foot’s on the other hand’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has become the subject of much bemusement among his Senate GOP colleagues as he has taken a detour from his role as a conservative rabble-rouser to playing the lead on reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 

The Texas senator, long-known for stirring up trouble for leadership, has suddenly gone in the reverse as he has prodded Republicans against gumming up the works for the last must-pass bill in Congress for months. 


Biden campaign drops ad to slam Trump for threats to repeal Obamacare

President Biden’s reelection campaign dropped a new ad that bashes former President Trump for his threats to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The 30-second ad, entitled “Terminate,” touts that Biden has protected the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and worked to expand it. The ad will air on television and digital across battleground states and is part of the Biden campaign’s $14 million ad buy for the month of May, which aims to target Black, Latino and Asian Ame...

Federal judge: Alabama can’t stop abortion fund lawsuit  

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Tackling racial justice with the voice of experience

Patrice Willoughby was always destined for service. 

Born in Ohio, her parents were heavily involved in politics and social justice. They were members of the NAACP, active members of their church and would often work on behalf of political candidates. 

“We always did things for people who were less fortunate than we were,” Willoughby told The Hill in a recent interview. “They always taught me that it's your responsibility in society to extend a hand and to ...

White House extends health insurance access to ‘Dreamers’ 

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Biden administration expands healthcare coverage for Daca recipients

New rule allows Dreamers to access healthcare coverage through Affordable Care Act marketplaces for first time

The Biden administration on Friday finalized a rule that would expand healthcare coverage for immigrants who came to the US as children and are shielded from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as Daca.

Under the new rule, recipients of the Obama-era Daca program would be newly eligible to access health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces for the first time.

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