Fox News’s Pirro to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t get involved in politics’
WSJ editorial board hits Trump over border deal, MAGA ‘purge’
White House ‘alarmed’ by circulation of fake AI-generated Taylor Swift photos
Republicans, Democrats both lose from late-night TV’s silencing
The late-night TV landscape has been silenced by Hollywood strikes, leaving audiences with fewer laughs, depriving candidates of an easy way to get attention and generally upsetting the nation’s normal political discourse.
Instead of polishing monologue jokes or getting ready to poke fun at the crop of 2024 candidates, late-night's lineup of network funnymen — including NBC’s “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert “The Late Show” on CBS, and ABC’s Jimmy Kimme...
Democrat Tim Ryan touts Fox News appearances in new Ohio Senate campaign ad
Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio), a Democrat running for Senate in an increasingly red state, is touting interviews, appearances and mentions on the conservative Fox News channel in a new campaign ad.
Ryan appears throughout the 30-second campaign ad, titled "Fox News Friends," as several Fox hosts and reporters compliment him in a series of video clips.
In the ad, Fox personality Bret Baier calls Ryan "tough on China" and reporter Peter Doocy says the congressman has "more modera...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez town hall resets the Green New Deal debate
In a remarkable town hall event with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes last Friday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) reset the entire debate around the Green New Deal.
Since the idea of mobilizing the entire economy to get off fossil fuels first burst into the political consciousness last fall, thanks in large part to Ocasio-Cortez, many aspects of the Green New Deal have been somewhat vague.
For instance, do the other big goals laid out in the Green New Deal, such as universal h...
Fox News condemns host Jeanine Pirro’s attack on Ilhan Omar – live
- Fox News host went after Omar for wearing hijab
- Network: ‘We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro’s comments’
- Sign up for the US briefing and get a new perspective
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s advisers are skeptical to say the least about his potential presidential bid.
De Blasio, who traveled to South Carolina this weekend, has said he won’t rule out jumping into the already crowded 2020 Democratic primary field.
Donald Trump will be unveiling his proposal for the federal budget today.
The president’s budget doesn’t carry the weight that it once did, Reuters reports. Congress is expected to largely ignore it. The proposed budget for 2020 comes a month after its deadline, which the White House has blamed on the government shutdown.
Trump’s plan for the 2020 budget year will propose cuts to many domestic programs favored by lawmakers in both parties but leave alone politically popular retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.
Washington probably will devote months to wrestling over erasing the last remnants of a failed 2011 budget deal that would otherwise cut core Pentagon operations by $71 billion and domestic agencies and foreign aid by $55 billion. Top lawmakers are pushing for a reprise of three prior deals to use spending cuts or new revenues and prop up additional spending rather than defray deficits that are again approaching $1 trillion.
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President couldn’t issue meaningful McCain statement because The Media is too mean, says ex-adviser
Rather than issue the typical memorial statement that most human U.S. presidents have issued following the death of political opponents, current President Donald Trump instead apparently nixed a proposed message memorializing Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Instead, he tweeted a brief comment on Saturday evening that said basically nothing at all, raised the White House flags back from half-staff, and went back to whining about the media.
My deepest sympathies and res...
‘Fox & Friends’ dehumanizes Christine Hallquist
On Tuesday night, Christine Hallquist won her Democratic primary election in Vermont, thereby becoming the first openly transgender gubernatorial candidate from a major political party in the United States.