Trump on ObamaCare repeal: ‘I have concepts of a plan’

Former President Trump said during Tuesday night’s debate he was interested in trying to repeal ObamaCare again, but indicated he doesn’t have a plan to replace it. 

“We are working on things. We’re going to do it. We’re going to replace it,” Trump said. 

Trump has railed against the health care law since his first presidential campaign, when many Republicans were issuing calls to “repeal and replace” the law. 

Republicans were a sin...

Health care and tonight’s debate

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Share of Americans with insurance falls despite record Obamacare enrollment

The proportion of Americans with health insurance coverage fell last year even as a record number of people signed up for insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace, according to new federal data.

The share of Americans who had health insurance for all or part of the year in 2023 was 92 percent, a slight drop from the 92.1 percent seen in 2022, according to a report from the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday.  

About 26.4 million Americans — 8 perc...

Affordable Care Act tax credits work despite fraud and should be expanded 

A controversial analysis authored by a long-time critic of the Affordable Care Act claims that a policy that expanded and improved Health Insurance Marketplace premium tax credits for 20 million Americans should be discontinued due to fraud. Fraudulent insurance enrollment by some insurance companies and their agents should be — and is being — targeted by the administration and Congress.  

But saying that fraudulent enrollment makes the tax credit unsuccessful skirts...

Harris missed ‘big opportunity’ by not picking Shapiro as running mate: Nate Silver

Pollster Nate Silver says Vice President Harris missed a major chance to pick up voters in the center when she passed over Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) as her running mate. 

Harris “blew one big opportunity to tack to the center with her selection of [Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)] rather than Josh Shapiro: that a tiny minority of progressives objected to Shapiro was an argument in Shapiro’s favor, if anything,” Silver wrote in a post on his website.


Buckle up — the Harris-Trump debate is going to be a wild ride 

After weeks of will-they, won’t-they theatrics, Vice President Harris and former President Trump will go toe-to-toe this Tuesday in a live debate hosted by ABC News. If Trump fares poorly, it’s also likely to be the last time the American people get a chance to see the two major candidates lay out their visions for our national future. 

There’s one big difference between tomorrow’s match-up and the first presidential debate back in June: this time, Donald Trump w...

Sanders on Harris’s politics: ‘Her views are not mine, but I do consider her progressive’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Sunday he still considers Vice President Harris "progressive" despite her recent policy shift to the center on some issues.

“I do,” Sanders said on NBC News’s “Meet the Press” when asked whether he still considers Harris progressive.

He noted "she is not where I am" on several issues, but the progressive leader touted Harris's support for a permanent child tax credit, for creating more affordable housing units and for making it easier...

Reforming 340B vital for affordable medication for low-income patients

When the 340B drug pricing program was established in 1992, Congress intended for the program to help low-income and uninsured patients with their prescription drugs. The pharmaceutical companies whose drugs are covered by Medicaid are required to participate in the program, offering discounts for drugs to patients on average at 25 to 50 percent of the wholesale acquisition cost.  

Unfortunately, today, the 340B program is failing those it was meant to serve. There i...

Trump will say anything about abortion to get elected

Former President Donald Trump opined lasty month that abortion “seems to be much less of an issue, especially in those [states] where they have exceptions” for rape, incest and the life of the mother. “I think the abortion issue has been taken down many notches.” He also promised on social media that “My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.”

Trump knows that a substantial majority of Americans strongly oppose the Supreme Court decision overturn...