Trump’s spectacle is no match for Harris’s substance

This election isn’t just another political match — it’s a reckoning. 

For years, Donald Trump has masqueraded as the champion of the working class, a man of the people with a golden touch for business and so-called "common-sense" solutions. 

But let’s be real: The Trump campaign is a fraud. His faux populism is nothing more than a cynical con, wrapped in flag-waving theatrics and reality TV spectacle. While he posed for photo ops and riled up his b...

Roe, IVF, drug prices top Dem agenda

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Strict Iowa abortion law set to take effect

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Trump waffles on possible birth control ban 

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How the Dobbs decision stunted anti-abortion action in the House GOP


As WNBA season tips off, star players speak out against anti-abortion bills

On Friday night, the 2019 WNBA season tips off with a contest between the Atlanta Dream and Dallas Wings. It’s a pivotal season for the league’s future. Last fall, the WNBA Player’s Association opted out of its current collective bargaining agreement, and players will be spending their spare time during the season fighting for better wages, resources, and support.

But while the league-wide drama both on and off the court remains the utmost importance to the league&...

Cory Booker would put an ‘Office of Reproductive Freedom’ in the White House

Amid a nationwide onslaught of anti-abortion bills whose reach and cruelty seem to be, like the universe, expanding at ever-increasing rates, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) announced Wednesday that, if elected president, he would create a White House Office of Reproductive Freedom on his first day in the White House.

“Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country are mounting a coordinated attack on abortion access and reproductive rights,” he said in a statement.

“A ...

In an unprecedented Senate bill, Democrats try to get federal dollars to pay for abortion

For the first time ever, Senate Democrats will introduce a bill that guarantees every person has access to abortion coverage if they receive health care through the federal government.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) will introduce the EACH Woman Act on Tuesday with support from at least nine other Democrats, including 2020 presidential candidates Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).

On the other side of the chamber, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) will re-introduce,...

What if public insurance covered abortion care?

What if public health insurance paid for abortion? More and more people are beginning to ask that question.

With support for Roe v. Wade stronger than ever before, reproductive rights advocates have moved the “Overton window” of what policy ideas are considered feasible. Now, instead of simply defending the right to abortion, they’re talking about securing access.

Advocates have been trying to get public insurance to cover abortion for some time now...

Alabama asks conservative SCOTUS to take up anti-abortion case, eyeing Roe v. Wade

The Alabama attorney general officially asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to review a lower court’s decision that a state law prohibiting a common method used for second-trimester abortions is unconstitutional.

The lawsuit against Alabama’s dilation and evacuation (D&E) ban is the second anti-abortion case before the Supreme Court. There are at least 11 other cases at the appeals level, meaning more anti-abortion cases can land on the Supreme Court’s 2019 doc...