Ted Cruz joins Republicans ranged against Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill

Effort to replace ACA appears doomed as Cruz indicates Lee will follow him and Collins says it is ‘very difficult’ for her to envision voting for the bill

The Trump administration’s latest efforts to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) appeared to be disintegrating over the weekend, as a growing number of Republican senators indicated they would vote against the so-called Graham-Cassidy bill.

Related: Trump attacks McCain and other Republicans over healthcare failure


The Resistance Now: campaigners warn fight for healthcare is not over

John McCain dealt a blow to Republican hopes of passing the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act but activists warn against complacency

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Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act were teetering on the brink of failure on Friday, after John McCain said he would vote no on the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill.

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‘All hands on deck’: protesters to target healthcare bill at rallies across US

Hundreds prepare to gather in Washington and at dozens of other sites in coming days even as John McCain’s opposition threatens bill’s survival

Activist groups praised John McCain for his promise to vote no on the Lindsey Graham-Bill Cassidy healthcare bill on Friday, but they warned against complacency as they said the fight to protect the Affordable Care Act was “not over”.

McCain’s pledge, which means Republicans can only afford to lose one more Senate vote in their quest to...

John McCain on healthcare: ‘Attempt at a strictly Republican bill cannot succeed’

The US senator has expressed his opposition to the latest Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act – here is his statement in full

  • John McCain says he can’t vote for Republican plan to replace Obamacare

The US Senator John McCain of Arizona released the following statement today on healthcare reform:

As I have repeatedly stressed, healthcare reform legislation ought to be the product of regular order in the Senate. Committees of jurisdiction ...

John McCain says he can’t vote for Republican plan to replace Obamacare

Republican senator’s stance will make it increasingly difficult for party leaders to get the votes they need to eliminate the Affordable Care Act

  • Read John McCain’s statement in full

John McCain said on Friday he could not “in good conscience” vote for the latest Republican proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), dealing a potentially fatal blow to the plan.

Related: Republicans' new health bill would hit women hardest, experts say

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Senate plans healthcare vote next week as Obama condemns repeal effort

Former president attacks ‘aggravating’ attempts to repeal Obamacare as Mitch McConnell prepares to bring Graham-Cassidy bill to floor

The US Senate plans to vote next week on Republicans’ latest attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it was confirmed on Wednesday, as Barack Obama castigated their “aggravating” multiple attempts to “undo that hard-won progress”.

Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, intends to hold a vote on what is being seen as a ...

Trevor Noah on treasury secretary Mnuchin: ‘So out of touch it’s almost beautiful’

Trevor Noah addressed Steven Mnuchin’s attempts at tax reform – and he and his wife Louse Linton’s attempts to use a government jet for their honeymoon

On Monday night, Trevor Noah reprised one of his signature segments, Profiles in Tremendousness, to discuss treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife Louise Linton.

“Donald Trump has been president for eight months now and most of his campaign promises remain undone, from repealing Obamacare to building the beautiful wall t...

What happened at Miss Universe | The minute

• Investigators focus on 2013 event in Moscow … Trump wants military parade à la France … Obamacare repeal attempt No 3 ... and more

• Get the day’s politics news in 60 seconds every weekday. By Tom McCarthy

10.13pm BST

The Guardian has established that the “eighth man” in the 2016 Trump tower meeting starring Donald Trump Jr had previously unknown ties to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and top Russian officials. The story begin...

Trump’s vacation message to McConnell: ‘Get back to work’

Trump suggests Senate majority leader should step down if he continues to fail to advance president’s agenda, including healthcare and tax reform

Donald Trump has suggested that Mitch McConnell should step down if the Republican leader in the Senate does not successfully get the president’s agenda passed on Capitol Hill.

Speaking to reporters at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is spending a working vacation, Trump was asked if McConnell should stand down. “I’l...

Bernie Sanders pushes universal health plan in wake of Republican repeal failure

  • Sanders to tout ‘Medicare for All’ proposal before unveiling bill next month
  • Vermont senator wants single-payer healthcare system for all Americans

Bernie Sanders has spent the first months of the new Congress defending Barack Obama’s health reforms as Republicans vowed to repeal them. But after the GOP’s seven-year drive to eliminate the Affordable Care Act collapsed on the Senate floor last week, Sanders is ready to introduce his own solution – government-run uni...