Healthcare is Trump’s Achilles heel. Republicans don’t get it | Lloyd Green

Five million Americans have lost their health insurance in a pandemic - yet Republicans are still trying to end Obamacare

Like Moloch, the ancient pagan god, Donald Trump is ever ready to demand that Americans sacrifice themselves for his greater good. He commanded that states open up early, and then this happened: Arizona, Florida, and Texas are looking like Wuhan redux. Come this fall, the president also expects that parents will put their children in harm’s way for the sake of his...

Trump administration asks supreme court to axe Obamacare

Democrats call legal push amid coronavirus crisis an ‘act of unfathomable cruelty’

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The Trump administration has asked the US supreme court to invalidate the Obamacare lawthat added millions to the healthcare safety net but has been at the centre of political controversy.

The government advocate, Noel Francisco, argued in a filing late on Thursday that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), one of Ba...

Trump’s pick for federal court ‘too inexperienced’, Democrats say

Justin Walker, 37, is facing a Senate confirmation hearing as Mitch McConnell restarts push to confirm federal judges

A federal judge nominated to the nation’s second-most powerful court said on Wednesday that he was writing as an academic and commentator when he criticized as “indefensible” a supreme court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act.

Justin Walker, a 37-year-old protege of the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, and the supreme court Justice Brett Kavanaugh...

Coronavirus has destroyed the myth of the deficit | Yeva Nersisyan and L Randall Wray

No, federal government spending doesn’t have to be ‘paid for’. The crisis shows providing for our society is not a financial issue

Only a month ago, a stimulus bill of $2tn would have been unthinkable. Indignant deficit scolds would have asked how one planned to pay for it, and complained about burdening our grandchildren with debt and bankrupting our country. Bernie Sanders bent over backwards to explain how he was going to pay for a Green New Deal or Medicare for All. These program...

Coronavirus US live: Pelosi says Trump’s WHO decision is ‘dangerous, illegal and will be challenged’

  • House speaker condemns ‘senseless’ decision
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5.21pm BST

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has extended the city’s stay-at-home order through at least May 15, ordering sc...

So merch for all that: how Bernie Sanders became politics’ least likely style icon

Never has one man in inexpensive rumpled suits been so loved by the style set - but Sanders’ clothes signal an authenticity other politicians can only dream of

Of all the things we’ll miss about Bernie Sanders, now that he has dropped out of the Democratic race, his style should be the least of it. Not only because his politics are so right on – this is the man who believes in free education and Medicare for all and who has had many Americans, who until recently felt disenfranchised ...

Coronavirus US live: stimulus bill fails in Senate as experts urge Trump not to roll back social restrictions

  • What to know about the US bailout
  • Dr Anthony Fauci counters Trump’s claims
  • Trump signals change in strategy that could clash with health experts
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6.36pm GMT

The Washington Post reports on a growing rift in the Trump administration as the president weighs l...

Trump signs coronavirus bill ordering free testing and aid for workers

Measure introduced by Democrats will expand Medicaid and unemployment benefits and mandate paid sick leave for some

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Donald Trump has approved legislation that will expand Medicaid and unemployment benefits, mandate paid sick leave and childcare leave for certain employees, and order free coronavirus testing, in an effort to to limit the damage from the pandemic.

The bill, introduced by House ...

Democratic primaries: three states head to polls amid coronavirus crisis – live

  • Arizona, Florida and Illinois voters decide between Biden and Sanders
  • Former vice-president is ahead in polling
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11.43pm GMT

Bernie Sanders delivered remarks on the coronavirus crisis, predicting it would cost the US up to $2 tri...

Bernie Sanders lost his last chance to take Joe Biden down | Nathan Robinson

On the whole, Sanders delivered the kind of performance that he needed to at this stage, with Biden now the favorite to win the nomination

A stark contrast was on display Sunday night, and both candidates on the Democratic debate stage knew it. Though Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were united in their criticism of Donald Trump’s response to coronavirus, they clashed repeatedly on policy issues, and even their core messages on the virus were very different.

For Biden, coronavirus...