Nearly half of Americans skeptical Trump admin will lower health costs: Poll

Nearly half of Americans don’t believe that the incoming Trump administration will lower health costs, according to a new Gallup poll. 

The research, conducted after the presidential election, found 48 percent of Americans are pessimistic about the new administration’s ability to lower healthcare costs, while 45 percent feel the same about prescription drug costs. 

But much of the public’s opinion is colored by partisanship. The poll found 84 percent of Dem...

The 11th-hour health measures Biden is leaving for Trump

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Obamacare back at the Supreme Court

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Trump’s impending downfall: The promises he will never be able to keep

Here’s advice for congressional Democrats as Trump starts his second stint in the White House: "When the enemy is making a false movement, we must take good care not to interrupt him."

In the first 100 days of this second Trump era, those words from Napoleon Bonaparte capture the dangerous possibility for self-destruction built into a narrow GOP House majority.

The sense of impending doom for House Republicans was first evident during the presidential campai...

Trump’s impending downfall: The promises he will never be able to keep

Here’s advice for congressional Democrats as Trump starts his second stint in the White House: "When the enemy is making a false movement, we must take good care not to interrupt him."

In the first 100 days of this second Trump era, those words from Napoleon Bonaparte capture the dangerous possibility for self-destruction built into a narrow GOP House majority.

The sense of impending doom for House Republicans was first evident during the presidential campai...

Will the ‘real’ Speaker Johnson please stand up?

House Republicans reelected Mike Johnson (R-La.) as Speaker on Jan. 2. Conservative firebrands set aside their anger about the last-minute budget deals Johnson cut with Democrats, which averted multiple government shutdowns, to provide the narrow margin of victory.

President-elect Donald Trump’s endorsement certainly played a pivotal role. So did the possibility that the 2025 Republican trifecta — control of the White House, the Senate and the House — will convince the Speaker...

Trump seeks to get GOP in line ahead of second term

President-elect Trump is looking to get Republicans in line, hosting meetings with House and Senate lawmakers this week to avoid any surprises that could stall his agenda.

Trump met earlier this week with Senate Republicans in Washington and he is spending the weekend at Mar-a-Lago hosting several factions of the House GOP in an effort to quell any dissent over a host of complicated and onerous legislative matters.

The effort has Trump leaning into his undis...

Supreme Court to hear ObamaCare no-cost preventive care dispute

The Supreme Court will hear a case determining the fate of free preventive services under the Affordable Care Act. 

In a brief order issued Friday, the justices said they will consider whether members of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force were constitutionally appointed.  

The Affordable Care Act requires insurers and group health plans to cover more than 100 preventive health services recommended by the task force, with no cost to patients. 


Democrats prepare for Affordable Care Act tax credit fight

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Trump’s hero’s welcome

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