Democrats winning the popular vote won’t be enough to save Americans’ health care from Republicans

The 2010 election was a historic disaster for the Democratic Party. Republican House candidates won the national popular vote by 6.8 percentage points and took a commanding majority as a result. It marked the end of President Obama’s legislative agenda and the beginning of an era when Republicans demanded massive concessions just to keep the government open.

Now imagine that 2018 is the mirror image of 2010 — that is, that Democrats win the popular vote by the exact same...

Trump’s Medicare chief: Expanding Medicare to more Americans is scary

Seema Verma isn’t a well-known member of President Donald Trump’s administration, but she is an important one.

As the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Verma is in charge of overseeing health programs that over 100 million Americans rely on.

So it seemed like an odd choice for Trump’s Medicare chief to call the proposal to expand Medicare coverage to more Americans scary in an attempted Halloween joke on Wednesday.

Trump’s new pick to lead Medicaid ran Maine’s public health department into the ground

The Trump administration is putting the health insurance of millions of Americans in the hands of a former Maine official best known for undermining the public health infrastructure in her state to put low-income families at risk.

Mary Mayhew, Maine’s former health commissioner, was tapped on Monday to run the national Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) programs. Mayhew will now control the $350 billion budget of the two health insurance programs ser...

Trump lies about Medicare for All, says universal health care doesn’t work anywhere in the world.

President Donald Trump has been spreading a lot of misleading statements or flat-out lies about “Medicare for All” — a progressive health policy gaining traction among Democrats.

Most recently, Trump said that providing health insurance to everybody doesn’t work anywhere in the world. He avoided calling the policy Medicare for All — likely because 60 percent of the American public favors the idea. Instead, he referred to it as “socialist” he...