The policy has played little role at the Democratic National Convention. Republicans continue to suggest Vice President Kamala Harris would pursue it as president.
Despite Trump’s Accusations, Democrats Have Largely Avoided Medicare for All
The policy has played little role at the Democratic National Convention. Republicans continue to suggest Vice President Kamala Harris would pursue it as president.
To repair our fiscal foundation, we need to bend the health care cost curve
Willie Sutton famously explained (in a possibly apocryphal quotation) that he robbed banks because “that’s where the money is.” If he turned his attention to the federal budget, he’d start with health care.
Our total national debt has ballooned to nearly $35 trillion – the highest level in U.S. history. This translates to over a quarter of a million dollars — $265,838 to be exact — of accumulated liabilities for every American household.
Washington now spends abou...
Republican notions of ‘progressive’ and ‘populist’ don’t match reality
When it comes to fighting for real American values, progressives have been leading the charge since day one.
Who got women the right to vote? Progressives. Who stood up to end segregation? Progressives. And who created the lifelines of Social Security and Medicare? You guessed it — progressives.
But today, we've got venture capitalist Republicans masquerading as working-class heroes, dragging the word progressive through the mud.
Don't be fooled by th...
Abortion, drug prices at play for Trump-Biden debate
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White House extends health insurance access to ‘Dreamers’
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Biden campaign: House’s conservative caucus budget is pulled from Trump’s 2025 wish list
President Biden’s reelection campaign argued Wednesday that the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) budget proposal was pulled straight from former President Trump’s wish list for another term.
The group, which comprises nearly 80 percent of all House Republicans, called for raising the retirement age for those not near retirement “to account for increases in life expectancy” in its budget released Wednesday. The budget also backs legislation that would put r...
HHS officials to tout Biden’s health care agenda on ‘Match Day’ for medical students
Roughly a dozen Biden administration health officials will mark “Match Day” for medical students on Friday, traveling to different medical schools across the country and speaking about President Biden’s health care agenda.
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra will visit a medical school in Washington, D.C., while other officials will be at medical schools in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Nashville and other cities in Wisconsin, California and North Carolina.
ObamaCare marks third year of record enrollment with 5 million more signups
A record 21.3 million people have officially signed up for healthcare insurance through the Marketplace for 2024, marking a third consecutive banner year for the program.
An additional 5 million more people signed up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace for coverage this year compared to 2023.
"Today, we broke another record when it comes to lowering costs and ensuring Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare: ...
Biden administration cracks down on prior authorization
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