Congressman argues Obamacare made him sexually harass a female aide
On Saturday, the New York Times published a detailed report about allegations of sexual harassment leveled against Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-PA) by a former aide. In a subsequent interview on Tuesday, Meehan said his conduct was wrong but didn’t rise to the level of harassment, and offered a novel explanation for his boorish behavior: Obamacare made me do it.
According to the Times report, Meehan displayed unusual curiosity about the personal life of a female aide on his staff. W...
Trump’s big health plan will be disastrous for people with pre-existing conditions
On Thursday, the Trump administration proposed to change current health law by permitting millions of small businesses and self-employed individuals to purchase plans that don’t play by Obamacare rules.
“People have no idea how big that is,” President Donald Trump said of association health plans (AHP) in a recent New York Times interview. He’s right.
Thanks to the new proposed rule, people can exit the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace and purchas...
Nearly a third of Americans think Trump repealed Obamacare: poll
Nearly a third of Americans think that U.S. President Donald Trump has repealed Obamacare (a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act) according to a new poll.
Obamacare enrollment at 96% of last year’s levels despite Trump’s sabotage
President Donald Trump declared Obamacare dead Wednesday after Congress passed its deeply unpopular $1.5 trillion tax overhaul bill. “Obamacare has been repealed in this bill,” he told reporters. Not only was he factually incorrect — as the bill only repeals the tax penalty for not having insurance — his statements were premature.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released its open enrollment estimate numbers on Thursday, revealing that approximatel...
Congress repealed the Obamacare individual mandate; now states are trying to repair the damage
With its passage of the Republican tax bill Wednesday, Congress has successfully repealed a critical component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — but states could still safeguard current health law.
To offset a tax cut — which largely benefits wealthy individuals over the long term — Republican lawmakers repealed the individual mandate. The tax overhaul bill now goes to the president’s desk. Once the bill is signed into law, the mandate will be repealed in 20...
Some Missouri HIV-positive patients to lose health coverage as assault on Obamacare continues
Some HIV-positive patients in Missouri will lose critical health coverage in 2018, thanks to high costs and little marketplace competition. Many of the affected individuals live in rural areas, where access to health care is already limited.
According to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, about 95 patients in 51 counties will lose coverage starting January 1. The state has begun notifying the patients of this change, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.