Biden: Democratic candidate criticized for supporting abortion funding ban

Campaign confirms Biden still supports the Hyde amendment, a law that bars the government from paying for abortion services

Reproductive rights groups have criticized the US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for supporting an abortion restriction called the Hyde amendment.

The 40-year-old law bars the US government from paying for abortion services, even when recommended by doctors. The measure has the practical effect of excluding abortion services from Medicaid, a p...

Trump cancels key services for unaccompanied child migrants – live

Officials say language classes and recreation programs for immigrant children staying in federal shelters ‘not directly necessary’

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4.19pm BST

The Trump administration is canceling English classes, legal aid and recreational programs for unaccompanied immigrant minors staying in federal shelters, the Washington Post reports.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement is wit...

Trump’s Federal Reserve pick withdraws from consideration – live

Stephen Moore, economist beset by legal and financial issues, pulls out following multiple reports by the Guardian on his past

  • Trump’s Fed pick underpaid ex-wife’s alimony for years – exclusive
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8.26pm BST

While Trump has often claimed to want to provide Americans healthcare, his administration has been pushing to gut the Affordable Care Act, best known as “Obamacare...

Medicare for All: activist dying of ALS testifies via eye movements at hearing

‘My story is tragic but not unique,’ Ady Barkan tells lawmakers as he pushes for healthcare overhaul

Ady Barkan has lost his ability to speak, but he has not lost his voice.

On Tuesday, the 35-year-old lawyer and activist, who is dying of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, testified at a “historic” Capitol Hill hearing on Medicare for All.

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Elizabeth Warren’s plan to end student debt is glorious. We can make it a reality | Astra Taylor

We fully support the 2020 nominee’s student debt relief proposal. But to make it happen, we’ll need to kick our efforts into higher gear

This week, Elizabeth Warren, who is running for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, announced a proposal to cancel student debt for millions of people and make public college free. This is a stunning, visionary plan that would transform our educational system and dramatically improve millions of people’s lives.

But like every other p...

Bernie Sanders boosted by Fox News town hall broadcast – live

The 2020 presidential candidate showed his brand of democratic socialism could have traction in Trump country

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1.59pm BST

Hello and welcome to our live blog coverage of the race to 2020. The political world is marveling this morning at how spectacularly Bernie Sanders upended expectations last night that his appearance in a Fox News town hall would somehow ...

Barack Obama represents the old Democratic party | Bhaskar Sunkara

The former president says he’s worried about ‘purity’ tests in the Democratic party. What he’s really worried about is his surrogates losing control of the party

Barack Obama is worried about the Democratic party. This weekend, he told a crowd at an Obama Foundation event in Berlin that the party is becoming a “circular firing squad” targeting those “straying from purity” on certain issues.

Leading figures around the party have indeed moved to the left since he left office two ...

The Hill to Die On review: Trump, Ryan and a Republican dumpster fire

Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer deliver a deeply sourced tale of ineptitude, cowardice and other common political traits

Donald Trump is now going all in for Obamacare repeal. His latest picks for the Federal Reserve include Stephen Moore, a tax-dodging deadbeat dad, and Herman Cain, a guy with a track record of alleged sexual harassment. Apparently, the president has learned little from the Republicans’ 2018 shellacking at the hands of America’s soccer moms.

Related: Trump float...

White House reversed more than 25 security clearance denials, says whistleblower – live

  • Security adviser Tricia Newbold made revelation last month
  • House Democrats to subpoena full Mueller report
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6.45pm BST

Joe Biden’s spokesman hit back at media coverage of the former vice president’s treatment of women, stating photos alleging to show inappropriate behavior on Biden’s part are a smear campaign led by “right wing trolls”.

These smears a...

Trump’s latest healthcare push exasperates Republicans – live

Key party member reportedly tells president renewed plan to scrap Affordable Care Act ‘makes no sense’

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9.00pm GMT

8.45pm GMT

Bringing this to readers just in case – in the unlikely event! – that you have not seen it, an impassioned speech from AOC on the Green New Deal (which, actually, is more popular than Republicans would ...