Top US health agency hit by cyber-attack amid coronavirus outbreak – live

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2.33pm GMT

The White House, exercising “an abundance of caution”, announced Monday it had cancelled its annual Easter E...

Ex-Obama official warns US health system faces ‘tsunami’ over coronavirus

Andy Slavitt, formerly Medicare and Medicaid administrator, tweets outline of threat after ‘Trump’s months-long denial’

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Hospitals in the US could be overrun by coronavirus cases in little more than a week, a former Obama administration senior health official has warned, fearing a “tsunami-like” escalation that would leave tens of thousands in need of inpatient medical care but unlikely to receive i...

Biden and Sanders cancel rallies over coronavirus concerns – live

  • Sanders and Biden call off Ohio events to heed public warnings
  • Joe Biden aims to cement lead in crucial Democratic primaries
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10.28pm GMT

Asked whether Trump — a self-described germaphobe — would continue to shake hands with people amidst the spread of coronavirus, the vice president said he expects so.

“Well, ...

Joe Biden wins South Carolina primary: ‘This campaign is taking off’ – live

  • Former vice-president scores much-needed primary victory
  • Biden tells cheering supporters: ‘We just won and we won big’
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4.02am GMT

That’s it from me in Columbia, South Carolina. Here’s how tonight’s primary shook out:

3.52am GMT

There will be considerable debate over the next few days about what Joe Bi...

Millions of uninsured Americans like me are a coronavirus timebomb | Carl Gibson

I haven’t gone to the doctor since 2013. When you multiply my situation by 27.5 million, that’s a scary prospect

Like 27.5 million other Americans, I don’t have health insurance. It’s not for a lack of trying – I make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to buy a private health insurance plan on the Affordable Care Act exchanges. Since I can’t afford to see a doctor, my healthcare strategy as a 32-year-old uninsured American has been simply to sleep eight hours, eat veget...

Bernie Sanders’ plans may be expensive but inaction would cost much more | Robert Reich

Facing existential challenges, we must spend heavily on a Green New Deal, Medicare for All and similar plans

In Wednesday night’s Democratic debate, the former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg charged that the Vermont senator Bernie Sanders’ policy proposals would cost $50tn. Holy Indiana.

Larry Summers, formerly chief White House economic adviser for Barack Obama, puts the price tag at $60tn. “We are in a kind of new era of radical proposal,” he told CNN.

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Trump and Bloomberg trade insults ahead of Democratic debate – live

  • President had accused candidate violating campaign finance laws
  • ‘Gloves will be off’: Nevada debate could be pivotal for Democrats
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5.32pm GMT

Secretary of state Mike Pompeo condemned China for expelling three Wall Street Journal reporters over a critical op-ed published by the newspaper.

The United St...

Democrats go on the offensive ahead of New Hampshire primary – live

  • Sanders campaign to ask for ‘partial recanvass’ of Iowa results
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12.05pm GMT

President Donald Trump is due to present his $4.8 trillion budget proposal for the fiscal year 2021 later today which includes plans to slash spending on foreign aid, social safety net programs like Medicaid, housing assistance and disability insurance and provide billions of ...

Iowa caucus: Democratic race in shambles as results are delayed – live coverage

  • Full story: Democratic race off to disastrous start
  • Iowa caucuses results – live updates
  • What is the smartphone app at centre of Iowa debacle?
  • Analysis: Trump campaign jubilant as Dems’ big night implodes
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11.57am GMT

Donald Trump has given his verdict on the Iowa controversy, which he calls an “unmitigated disaster”.

Trump announces new visa restrictions and plan to extend travel ban

The president also showed a willingness to make cuts to social security and Medicare and will attend an anti-abortion event

As the impeachment trial gets into stride in Washington against Donald Trump, the president on Wednesday announced a plethora of new plans, policies and programs as he prepared to make his way back to the US from the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

Speaking with reporters in Davos, Trump announced that he intends to expand his controversial travel ban...