Trump trips on health care over abortion, ObamaCare

Former President Trump stumbled on health care during his debate against Vice President Harris, delivering vague and sometimes conflicting answers on abortion and his plans for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  

The performance illustrated how the ACA, also known as ObamaCare, in particular has haunted Trump. It also put his shifting stances on abortion — one of the critical issues in the race — under an even hotter spotlight.  

During Tuesday’s debate, Trump was nonco...

Warren warns of ‘profoundly serious consequences’ of a Trump victory

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) warned of “profoundly serious consequences” if former President Trump wins the upcoming election.

Warren, in an op-ed published Saturday in The New York Times, criticized Trump for his non-answer to a question about repealing the Affordable Care Act during this week’s presidential debate.

“After ducking and weaving, he came up with: ‘I have concepts of a plan.’ Uh, that’s not a plan,” Warren wrote.

The Massachusetts senator s...

5 myths about presidential transitions

Make no mistake, the chaos of our last presidential transition was bad — one impeachment and two criminal cases bad.

And yet, we are now two months away from a transition to either Trump Two or Harris One.

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have each announced their transition directors. As each side begins to plan, here are five myths worth reconsidering:

Myth 1: Smooth transitions are the norm<...

Congress killed pandemic safety nets, and we’re still paying the price

Every September, the Census Bureau unveils crucial data on Americans' poverty, health and income for the previous year.

The latest results underscore a pressing issue: In many key ways, our policymakers are still failing American families, even though they should be well aware by now of effective solutions.

Let’s parse the numbers. The Supplemental Poverty Measure — the most comprehensive measure of poverty — increased slightly, from 12.4 percent to 12.9 percent betw...

Price transparency is key to reducing health care costs

Health care has emerged as a fault line in this year's election campaign. Vice President Kamala Harris supports expanding the Affordable Care Act, while former President Donald Trump wants to scale it back. Yet there's one health care policy that the Biden-Harris and Trump administrations both supported and can coalesce around again: price transparency.

This bipartisan health care fix is supported by 92 percent of Americans, according to a new poll by Echelon In...

Harris campaign suggests Trump avoiding debate because he doesn’t want to defend ‘toxic positions’

Vice President Harris’s campaign on Friday argued that former President Trump shared a handful of “toxic positions” on the debate stage earlier this week and suggested he’s avoiding another debate so he doesn’t have to defend them.

Harris has called for another debate after her sharp performance on Tuesday night, but Trump said Thursday that he wouldn’t debate Harris again, squashing the idea.

Ian Sams, Harris campaign senior spokesperson and senior adviser for rapid...

Schumer to force GOP vote on IVF

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