When Julianne Holt-Lunstad first began studying how relationships influence our physical health two decades ago, some of her colleagues scoffed at the topic. “They thought it was fluff,” says Holt-Lunstad, a professor of psychology at Brigham Young University.
Why Susan Collins is voting for Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court
Senator Susan Collins, the Republican from Maine, explained why she would support Brett Kavanaugh on the Senate floor Friday afternoon, essentially guaranteeing he will be the US’s next Supreme Court justice.
Collins, a moderate Republican who did not suppor...
A fund for NYC drivers models how benefits could work in the gig economy
More than one in every ten American workers—15.5 million people—rely on on-call, temp-agency, contract-firm jobs or independent contracting for their main job in the US, which is more people than work in manufacturing. This estimate came recently from the Bureau of Labor S...
Dementia rates are set to double by 2060, and minorities will get hit hardest
This week, researchers from the US Centers of Disease Control (CDC) published a paper looking at predicted dementia rates across the country. Currently 1.6% of the population, or about 5 million people, have Alzheime...
Ahead of Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault hearing, the US gears up for political and cultural war
On Sept. 24, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is expected to face the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her as a teenager. The Congressional hearing could decide whether Kavanaugh receives a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the United States. It’...
The White House’s website deleted the whole archive of its daily newsletters
American citizens can get daily updates on the government directly from the White House’s “1600 Daily” newsletter, which was launched in March 2017. The newsletter shares daily updates from the White House, together with a feed ...
How AI changed organ donation in the US
There used to be only three ways off of a kidney transplant waiting list. The first was to find a healthy person from within one’s own pool of friends and family, who perfectly matched both the recipient’s blood and tissue types, and possessed...
Hating Amazon is one thing the hard left and hard right agree on
For a brief moment on Sept. 4, Amazon was worth $1 trillion, the second US company ever to hit that mark (Apple was first). Earlier this summer, Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos secured the title of world’s richest man, with a personal fortune that now stands at $167 billion, or 3.5 time...
We’re just learning how exposure to air pollution degrades our brains
There are all kinds of impurities from industrial activities like manufacturing and transportation that can poison the air. The smallest seem to be the most sinister.
Particles called PM2.5, which come from burning fossil fuels, in...
The Kavanaugh Senate confirmation fight is actually the first race of the midterms
Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a US Supreme Court justice should be a shoe-in, but lobbying groups are still spending millions trying to convince American voters to support or oppose him.
The Senate remains controlled by the Republicans, who hold a 51-49 margin as...