Activists refuse to slow resistance after stymying Republican healthcare plan

Progressive leaders and healthcare advocates organize events such as Drive for Our Lives, a weeks-long national bus tour targeting swing states for 2018 election

In the early hours of Friday morning, as Republican senators began voting on a healthcare bill that would have repealed pieces of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more than 200 protesters outside the Capitol chanted “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

Related: 'Wait for the show': how John McCain helped torpedo the Republican healt...

The Resistance Now: this is the sound of ‘repeal and replace’ collapsing

John McCain may have grabbed the headlines but others were quick to point out the steady pushback from fellow senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins

This is the joyous sound of the biggest win of the resistance movement since Donald Trump took office. Crowds outside the US Capitol erupted in the early hours Friday when they got word that Republicans’ seven-year dream to repeal the Affordable Care Act had finally gone up in flames. Listen:

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Tracking Trump: Scaramucci speaks out and Priebus is out

Donald Trump’s new communications director started his job with a foul-mouthed rant, his chief of staff is out and Republicans struggled on healthcare

As the Republicans’ blundered towards failure in their attempt to undo the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Donald Trump made a series of unprecedented attacks on his attorney general while his Mini-Me communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, showed the tact and subtlety of a bull on its first day on staff in a china shop.


Trump shrugs as health bill, Priebus go kablooey | The minute

  • ‘You can’t have everything’, president says, after failure to deliver on key campaign plank… then he fires chief of staff Priebus
  • Get the day’s politics news in 60 seconds every weekday. By Tom McCarthy

10.30pm BST

In a dramatic wee-hours vote on Friday, a Republican plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act collapsed, with three GOP senators – Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain – voting ‘No’. McCain then returne...

‘Wait for the show’: How John McCain torpedoed the Republican health plan

There were gasps when McCain joined Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins in opposing the bill, ending Republicans’ latest effort to kill the health law

Minutes after the clock struck midnight, John McCain, the senior senator from Arizona, strode into the basement of the US capitol. He was on his way to the Senate floor to cast a consequential vote, as the Republican effort to repeal Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act hung in the balance.

“Have you decided how you’ll vote?” a report...

I’m a conservative – and I now see voting Republican is a waste of time | John Daniel Davidson

The Obamacare fiasco reveals that once they are in power, Republicans in Washington refuse to deliver on their promises

What would you conclude if you voted for a candidate or a party because of a promise to repeal or change a law that you strongly felt was harmful and unjust, but once in office the party refused to do it? You might conclude, rightly, that those politicians didn’t really work for you, and the party didn’t care what you thought.

Related: Donald Trump says Obam...

Donald Trump says Obamacare will now implode. Is he right?

Analysis: After the failure of the Republicans’ ‘skinny repeal’ bill, the Affordable Care Act faces hurdles – but the president’s assessment may be overblown

In a stunning blow to Donald Trump’s legislative agenda, Republican senators were overnight unable to pass a bill to undo major parts of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, the health reform law considered Obama’s signature achievement.

Their efforts failed because three senators, including...

John McCain sinks ‘skinny repeal’ of Obamacare health act

Arizona senator, whose war record Trump mocked, deals major blow to president’s agenda in dramatic late-night vote

Arizona senator John McCain torpedoed the Obamacare repeal bill – and with it Donald Trump’s legislative agenda – in a night of high drama on Capitol Hill.

McCain’s vote against the bill in the early hours of Friday morning delivered a major setback for Republicans who have spent seven years vowing to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

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Bernie Sanders: Trump is right, Australia’s healthcare system is better than ours – video

Donald Trump told the Australian prime minister in May, ‘You have better healthcare than we do’. As the US Senate votes on repealing the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, Bernie Sanders has taken to the Senate floor to agree with Trump: ‘He’s not right very often, but on this issue he is.’ Australia has a universal healthcare system that costs less than half what the US spends per capita on healthcare and delivers much better outcomes

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Republicans back ‘skinny repeal’ after guarantee it will not become law

Sceptical senators Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson agree to vote for repeal on condition that it will trigger a congressional conference committee

Senate Republican leaders have unveiled their so-called “skinny repeal” bill – denounced by conservatives as a “fraud” and a “disaster” – in an eleventh-hour push to pass a pared-down repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Related: Republican quartet will only vote for skinny repeal if assured it won't become law – live

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