The period for enrolling in insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act begins on Nov. 1. Are you renewing coverage or planning to sign up?
This is how much more expensive health care premiums will be in 2019 thanks to Trump
Health care premiums will be up to 16 percent higher in 2019 than they would have been had the Trump administration not worked so hard to chip away at the Affordable Care Act.
A new study released Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the Trump administration’s decision to repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate and expand skimpy short-term health plans have made premiums across the board — whether on the Obamacare marketplace or not — an average of 6 percent h...
Big Tobacco raises record-breaking $17.5 million to defeat Medicaid expansion in Montana
A Montana ballot initiative has incurred the wrath of Big Tobacco, which has spent a record-breaking amount of money to defeat it this November. Should it succeed, 100,000 people could lose health coverage.
The tobacco industry raised nearly $17.5 million to defeat I-185, a measure that gives health care to people earning up to 138 percent of the poverty level by taxing tobacco. Montana expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2016, but only until July 2019. To avoi...
Trump claims ‘All Republicans support people with pre-existing conditions’ in blatant lie
President Donald Trump, whose administration asked a court to end Obamacare’s protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions just last month, claimed “All Republicans support people with pre-existing conditions” in a tweet on Thursday.
All Republicans support people with pre-existing conditions, and if they don’t, they will after I speak to them. I am in total support. Also, Democrats will destroy your Medicare, and I will keep it ...
McConnell warns Republicans will try to repeal Obamacare again if midterms go well for GOP
With midterm elections fast approaching, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has let it be known that Republicans aren’t done trying to repeal Obamacare.
Calling the GOP’s previous attempt to end the Affordable Care Act “the one disappointment of this Congress from a Republican point of view,” McConnell told Reuters on Wednesday that his party could make another run at President Barack Obama’s signature health care law if Republicans expand th...
Here’s a list of every vulnerable House Republican who voted to gut pre-existing conditions coverage
Ahead of the midterm elections, Republicans are positioning themselves as members of the party that will protect people with pre-existing conditions. But this campaign strategy simply doesn’t match up with their voting record on health care.
“Republicans only will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions,” said President Donald Trump during a campaign rally for Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) over the weekend.
Meanwhile, the truth is Barr voted to weaken p...
Missouri Senate nominee misleads on his pre-existing condition hypocrisy
Josh Hawley, the Republican nominee against Missouri’s US senator Claire McCaskill (D), has made protecting people with pre-existing conditions a key part of his campaign platform — even as he undermines those protections as his state’s attorney general.
Asked to reconcile that hypocrisy on Sunday, Hawley pretended that requiring that insurance companies offer some policy to the more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing medical conditions is the sa...
Read: Donald Trump’s USA Today op-ed, annotated
With the midterm elections fast approaching, Donald Trump has picked up a pen to help the party. In an op-ed published today in USA Today the president attacks a Democratic healthcare plan, claims they want to erase the US’s borders, and threatens that a Democratic victory ...
Senate Republicans show their true colors when it comes to pre-existing conditions
Protecting people with pre-existing conditions isn’t a priority for Republicans — lowering insurance premiums is. Senate Republicans said as much when they voted Wednesday against blocking the Trump administration’s expansion of health plans that can deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.
In a 50-50 vote, Republicans defeated Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s (D-WI) resolution to overturn the Trump administration’s rule permitting insurers to sell sho...
Medicaid expansion is on the ballot again in Maine this November
PORTLAND, MAINE — “When I’m in pain, I take Tylenol. I can’t have it looked at,” said 59-year-old Ann Avery, her voice cracking before she started to cry.
“I did find the list of some of the things that’s wrong me,” she told ThinkProgress. Depression, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and Piriformis syndrome, to name a few.
“I have no idea what some of these things are,” Avery said. But she could tell you theyR...