The unwilling faces of GOP anti-trans ads

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Kamala Harris and Democrats will pack the Supreme Court if they win

In 2016, countless conservatives skeptical of Donald Trump voted for him anyway because the future of the Supreme Court was on the ballot. Now that concern is even more pressing.

This election, more than Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat is up for grabs — the Supreme Court as we know it is at stake.

At her CNN town hall, Kamala Harris was asked if she supported packing the Supreme Court with multiple additional justices in order to change its ideological composition. Sh...

Mike Johnson promises ‘massive’ healthcare changes if Trump wins

House speaker’s comments could help Kamala Harris who outpolls Trump on healthcare in battleground states

Vice-President Kamala Harris may have received another last-minute helping hand from Republicans after the House speaker, Mike Johnson, said there would be “massive” healthcare changes if Donald Trump wins next Tuesday, including abolishing Obamacare.

“Healthcare reform’s going to be a big part of the agenda,” Johnson, speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, told the crowd. “When I say we’re going to have a very aggressive first 100 days agenda, we got a lot of things still on the table.”

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Harris will fight to protect health care for more than 4 million Hispanics 

When my sister, Kimberly, was two years old, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. As she was fighting for her life, my parents were fighting to protect their family. 

My mom and dad spent every dollar they had on Kimberly's medical expenses as she quickly maxed out her lifetime cap on health insurance.  

Kimberly died at age 21, and my parents spent years trying to pay off the debt incurred from her medical expenses. No parent should have to grieve th...

More than 1,500 physicians call on Trump to release health care plan

More than 1,500 physicians around the country are calling on former President Trump to release his health care plan with three weeks until election day.

In the new letter authored by the Committee to Protect Health Care PAC, which has endorsed Vice President Harris, more than 1,500 physicians urge the GOP nominee to clarify his plans for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) following his remarks on the topic during his debate against Harris last month.

“I have concepts of a...

Vance and Trump try to soften health care approach

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Voters need a second presidential debate that looks very different than the first 

In every presidential election year since 1976, the main contenders have had at least two debates; in many years, there have been three.  

However, we might only get one between the two nominees in 2024, now that former President Donald Trump has announced he will not debate President Kamala Harris again, claiming the original ABC debate was “rigged” against him.

That’s not good enough. If this is indeed the most important election o...

Republicans fear new ObamaCare war

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McConnell hits Trump’s tariff push

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The Electoral College endangers the republic, but don’t blame the Framers

Our presidential elections suffer from a crisis of confidence. 

Scores of anxious Americans await Nov. 5 with grave fears about integrity and fairness. Democrats decry the possibility of a candidate winning without a popular vote majority, and more than half of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. 

Many factors have brought us to this moment, but the strange mechanism known as the Electoral College ranks high among them.

Twice in the last ...